Precise results every time

Dental Instruments

CallSharpening Pty Ltd supplies a quality service for all your sharpening needs in the Dental and Orthodontic industries. All instruments can be sharpened. Our technician is Hu-Friedy service centre factory trained, and is the only approved service provider for Hu-Friedy instruments outside their Chicago factory. He has the experience to service all brands of instruments within the industry.

Scalers, luxators, elevators, needle-holders, scissors, extractors, probes and many others.

Ligature cutters, distal end cutters, needle holders, Weingart and other pliers, de-bonders, bracket removers.

All periodontal knives, curettes, specialised scissors and any other industry specific instruments.

We provide a postal service for national and international customers.

Please ensure all instruments are sterilized prior to shipping.